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When Do I Replace My Filters?

Filter replacements should occur no less than every three months. If you live in an area with lots of pet or animal dander, pollution, or poor air quality, consider changing them each month for optimal airflow. If you choose to clean your filters, use water, a mild dish soap, and a gentle brush to scrub the impurities off the mesh.

How Often Should I Call for Heat Pump Repair Service?

Heat pumps work all year round for most Milton residents. As a high-profile heating and cooling unit, call for heat pump repair services at least once a year to ensure readiness for both summer and winter use.

Typically, what is the average duration for a boiler service to be completed?

The duration for a boiler service will vary depending on the complexity of your system, but typically, it can take anywhere from one to three hours. Our experienced technicians are equipped with the right training and knowledge to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

How often should I schedule boiler maintenance with Top Flight Heating & Air?

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your boiler system. We recommend scheduling a boiler maintenance service at least once a year to keep your system operating at its best and reduce the need for boiler repairs.

Aside from boiler services, what other HVAC services do you provide?

Top Flight Heating & Air is proud to offer a wide range of HVAC services. From furnace installation and heating repair to air conditioning services, our technicians are equipped with the tools and knowledge to get the job done.

Are your technicians certified for boiler repairs and installation?

Yes, all our technicians are highly trained and certified to handle a range of boiler services, ensuring the safety and efficiency of your heating system.

Is it worth repairing my old boiler, or should I consider a replacement?

It depends on the condition of your home’s boiler. Our professional technician will perform a thorough inspection and determine whether it’s more cost-effective to repair or replace. Sometimes, a new boiler installation can be more energy-efficient and cost-saving in the long run.

Why Do I Need a Custom Estimate for Furnace Replacement and Installation?

If you’re like most homeowners, the first thing you think of regarding replacing or installing a new furnace is, “How much will my new furnace cost?” We wish there was a simple answer to give you about the average installation cost for the furnace of your choice, but the truth is that every home and business is unique, so no two installation cost estimates are the same.

What goes into your unit’s installation cost? Some of the factors we need to know to provide an accurate furnace cost estimate include:

  • Whether you are installing in a new home or need a replacement furnace
  • The new furnace cost you are able to pay (your budget)
  • The size of your home or business to help us determine the necessary airflow capacities
  • Whether ventilation is already in place, requires installation, or needs replacement
  • The type of energy source that is available to you (gas, electric, oil)
  • The amount of fuel consumed during a typical heating season
  • Parts and labor costs
What Is the Electric and Gas Furnace Installation Process?

Having a new furnace installed may seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right heating and air conditioner experts by your side, it becomes a seamless endeavor. Let’s take a detailed look at the installation process!

Step 1: Initial Assessment and Furnace Selection

The first step of any new furnace install involves a comprehensive assessment of your home and your heating needs. Our skilled HVAC contractors take into account factors such as your home’s size, existing insulation, your local climate, and the current state of your ductwork system. This critical assessment helps us determine the right type and furnace size you’ll need, be it a gas furnace, an oil furnace, or an electric furnace.

Step 2: Removal of the Old Furnace

After the assessment, we proceed to the furnace removal stage. Our technicians ensure that your old furnace system is safely disconnected from its power source, whether that’s natural gas or electricity, and carefully detached from the existing air ducts. If you are having a gas furnace installed, we will work with your utility company to ensure that your gas lines are handled properly.

Step 3: Preparing for the New Installation

Once your old furnace has been removed, the next step in the installation process is preparing your home for the new furnace. This could include the inspection and potential repair or replacement of the existing ductwork, checking for hot and cold spots to ensure optimal airflow, or potentially installing new gas lines for a gas furnace installation.

Step 4: Installation of the New Furnace

The heart of the process, installing the new furnace, requires professional expertise. Whether we are dealing with electric furnaces, gas furnaces, or oil furnaces, our technicians will connect your new furnace unit to the necessary power sources and ductwork, ensuring that every component is installed correctly for optimal operation. We will also take care to connect your unit to your electrical system responsibly without causing problems for your other electrical appliances.

Step 5: Testing and Final Adjustments

After the furnace installation is complete, our team will test your new furnace, making any necessary final adjustments. This includes checking for any gas input issues with gas furnaces, making sure your air conditioner is working harmoniously with your new heating system, and ensuring your home is free of carbon monoxide.

Post-Installation Support

At Top Flight Heating & Air, our job doesn’t end after we install a furnace in your home. We are committed to ensuring that your heating system works optimally. That’s why we provide you with vital information about proper maintenance for your new furnace, as well as tips to help you save money on your monthly energy costs.

Why Do I Need a Professional HVAC Technician to Install a Furnace?

Whether it’s a gas furnace install or an electric furnace setup, hiring a professional HVAC technician is imperative. Our team at Top Flight Heating & Air is well-versed in all safety standards and codes. They ensure proper gas line connections, ductwork installation, and testing of the system to ensure it’s working correctly.

A professionally installed furnace promises high performance, safety, and efficiency, which all contribute to your overall savings on heating costs.

What Are the Most Common Furnace Replacement Options?

Trane, AccuClean, and Mitsubishi are some of the most popular furnace unit choices. These heating units are available in various models, including:

  • Gas and oil furnaces
  • Heat pumps
  • Coils
  • Packaged systems
  • Ductless heat pump units


The best new furnace for your home will depend on your existing home energy sources, your budget, your heating goals, and the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating you are looking for. If you have any questions on what kind of furnace or heat pump will be the best choice for your house, call and talk with a member of Top Flight Heating & Air today.

Can I Repair My Heater Myself?

Attempting furnace repairs yourself may seem like a way to cut down on furnace repair costs, but it often leads to more harm than good. While there are some DIY-friendly tasks, such as replacing the furnace filter and checking for damage, we do not recommend attempting furnace repair in Milton, DE, yourself.

Hiring a furnace expert ensures that the heat exchanger, blower motor, and other vital parts of your heating system are handled with care, preventing further damage. Always call for professional furnace repair when you notice a heating issue.

What Should I Do if I Smell Gas?

If you smell gas while inside your home, you and your family should immediately evacuate a safe distance away. Gas leaks are hazardous and could result in a lethal explosion. Once you’re safe outside, contact your gas utility and the fire department.

Can Your Team Provide Burner Assembly?

Absolutely! Our team has the necessary HVAC equipment and expertise to inspect, repair, or replace the burner assembly, ensuring your furnace operates efficiently and safely.

What Are the Signs of a Malfunctioning Thermostat?

Signs of a malfunctioning thermostat can include erratic temperature changes in your home, the HVAC system not turning on or off when it should, or your furnace running continuously without reaching the set temperature.

My Energy Bills Are Increasing. What Should I Do?

If your heating system seems to be working and your utility rates haven’t risen, yet you still are seeing high energy bills, there are several possibilities. This issue may be due to a freezing winter. If this is the case, there’s not much you can do, as your heating system has to work harder to keep you warm.

If the weather isn’t as cold as usual, there may be an issue with your outdoor unit. When your outdoor unit malfunctions, it can cost you a fortune in energy bills. Give us a call, and an HVAC technician will assess the problem.

How Can I Prevent Furnace Fires?

Your furnace and air conditioning systems are designed to be safe, but accidents can happen. In order to prevent unexpected fires, it is crucial to be vigilant between furnace tune-up appointments. Regularly clean dirty burners and store flammable substances far away from your furnace to avoid ignition risks.

Does An Electric Furnace Have Fewer Furnace Problems?

While electric furnaces are generally more reliable and have a longer lifespan than gas furnaces, they are not immune to problems. Common issues with electric units include faulty heating elements, thermostat malfunctions, and blower motor failures.

Is a Clogged Filter Dangerous?

Yes, a clogged filter can indeed be dangerous. When the furnace’s filter is blocked, it leads to reduced air flow, causing your furnace to work harder and potentially overheat. This can lead to a system breakdown, a house fire, or even a gas leak. Plus, a dirty filter can’t effectively trap pollutants, affecting the indoor air quality in your home.

Why Is My Furnace Filter Important?

Your unit’s filter is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality and extending your heater’s lifespan. Air filters prevent dirt, debris, and harmful air particles from flowing through your heating system and into the air you breathe. Your filter also keeps your furnace clean and allows it to function at a higher capacity for longer.

It’s best to replace your filter at least every three months to preserve indoor air quality and ensure the unit can operate safely. You should find a recommended air filter thickness and size in the owner’s manual that came with your HVAC system. If you want to extend this lifespan slightly, you can use a vacuum cleaner hose to carefully remove dust buildup.

Do You Offer Financing?

We understand that an unexpected furnace repair cost can be a financial strain. We believe everyone should enjoy a warm, comfortable home, so we offer multiple financing options. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

How Much Does Furnace Repair Cost?

While we can often provide an approximate “guesstimate” before visiting your property, the actual cost of furnace repair in Milton, DE, can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of the issue, the extent of the damage, the type of furnace you have, any existing furnace warranty coverage, and the parts required for repair. Contact us now for a free furnace repair cost estimate.

What Are the Most Common Furnace Repairs?

Common furnace repairs often involve the ignition system, such as issues with the pilot light or ignition control in gas furnaces. Other frequent repairs include fixing a faulty thermostat, replacing a broken blower motor, clearing a blocked air filter, or addressing issues with the furnace’s flame sensor. Scheduling annual maintenance before the beginning of the heating season can help prevent many of these issues.

When Should I Hire a Professional To Maintain My Heater?

It’s best to hire a heating maintenance service during the fall. If something is wrong with your heater, an experienced maintenance specialist will fix the issue before it gets out of hand and impacts your interior comfort. Maintaining your heater during the fall ensures your unit functions optimally before the first winter storm.

Is There Anything I Can Do To Maintain My Heater?

Yes. Regularly changing the air filter is essential to your heater’s performance, lifespan, and overall well-being. It’s best to check the air filter at least once a month to ensure everything is up to par. If it looks dirty, replace it with a new filter.
Keeping the area surrounding your heating and cooling system clean can also increase its performance. Always keep dust and debris away from your furnace and outdoor unit to prevent restricted air flow and maintain optimal performance.

How Often Should I Schedule Heater Maintenance?

Running a heater throughout the winter can take a toll on even the most robust unit, diminishing its efficiency and leaving it prone to costly repairs. We recommend scheduling a professional maintenance service at least once a year. Yearly maintenance gives your heater a much-needed tune-up that prevents potential issues before they affect your heating and cooling system.

Does a natural gas boiler cost more than an electric one?

Typically, the initial purchase price of an electric boiler might be lower than a natural gas boiler. However, the operating costs for natural gas boilers are usually lower than electric ones, depending on local utility prices. Over time, a natural gas boiler could prove to be more cost-effective due to these reduced operating expenses. The main benefit of an electric boiler is its high energy efficiency, often near 100%, meaning almost all the electricity consumed is converted directly to heat. Additionally, electric boilers are clean, quiet, and don’t produce exhaust gases, making them environmentally friendly and ideal for homes without access to a gas line or those with indoor air quality concerns. Both boiler systems are great options for heating your home or business. Uncertain about which option to choose? Contact us for a complimentary quote and expert guidance on selecting the perfect system for your needs.

What is the difference between a boiler system and a heating system?

A boiler system specifically uses water to heat your home, turning it into steam or hot water, which is then distributed. A heating system is a broader term that can include boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, and more.

How long does it take to install a new boiler system with Top Flight?

At Top Flight Heating & Air, we understand a cold house, specifically in the winter, can be not only inconvenient but also dangerous. When you reach out to us to replace your existing boiler, a professional installer will promptly and proficiently set up your new boiler system, ensuring it’s up and running in no time. We pride ourselves on providing fast, reliable service without compromising quality workmanship. Opting for professional boiler maintenance service and installation, rather than attempting the DIY route, minimizes the likelihood of frequent repairs.

How much will it cost to have a new boiler installed in my home?

Boiler installation costs can vary based on the boiler type, installation complexity, and regional labor costs. At Top Flight, we firmly believe in making boiler installation affordable for everyone. That’s why we provide flexible financing options for all our services, ensuring your budget stays intact. With us, you can enjoy the benefits of a new boiler without worrying about breaking the bank.

How do I know if I need a boiler replacement or just repairs?

Frequent breakdowns, a significant rise in energy bills, and aging (boilers older than 15 years) are signs you might need a replacement. However, occasional issues might just require repairs.

How Often Do Mini-Split Systems Need Maintenance?

Like a heat pump or central air conditioner system, your mini-split air conditioner unit needs routine service. Regular maintenance helps keep your system running efficiently and prevents breakdowns. It’s recommended that you schedule maintenance at least twice a year. Cooling system maintenance should be performed in the spring before the warm weather arrives, while heating system maintenance should take place in early fall before there’s a chill in the air.

How Much Does It Cost To Install a Mini-Split HVAC System?

The cost of mini-split AC installation will depend on factors such as the size of the system, the complexity of the installation, and the brand chosen. Our friendly HVAC technicians would be happy to provide you with an estimate based on your specific needs. We can also offer estimates for operating costs, unit lifespan, and maintenance schedules.

What Brand Makes the Best Mini-Split AC Units?

Ductless mini-split air conditioning systems have been around for several years now, and many top HVAC manufacturers are in the business of making excellent mini-split systems. It’s important to install a replacement ductless mini-split system from a brand that has a good reputation for reliability (and offers warranties and customer support for ductless mini-split repair). We are happy to help you through this process, and many systems that we carry are also eligible for rebates and government savings. Contact us today to learn more about how you can save big on a full HVAC system replacement!

What Features Should I Choose For My New Ductless System?

Consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing features for your ductless mini-split AC unit. Unlike many traditional systems, a modern ductless mini-split system comes with many optional features and controls. We can install a mini-split with Wi-Fi connectivity, remote control capabilities, programmable scheduling, multi-zone capabilities, and much more. Give us a call today, and we’ll match you with a mini-split system that’s perfect for your space!

What SEER Rating Should I Choose For My Mini-Split?

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, and it measures the efficiency of HVAC systems. The higher a unit’s SEER rating is, the more efficient it is. In general, mini-split systems with a higher SEER rating will cost more upfront but will save you money on energy bills in the long run.

Where Will Technicians Place My New Ductless Systems?

This answer also depends because no two homes are exactly alike. Our team will work with you to determine the best location for each indoor and outdoor unit, ensure proper sizing of the system, arrange multi-zone systems as needed, and provide you with options for controlling the temperature and settings.

What Size HVAC Unit Do I Need/How Many Units Should I Purchase?

The size of your unit will depend on the size of your space, the number of rooms you want to heat or cool, and other factors such as insulation and ceiling height. Whether you’re switching from a traditional HVAC system or replacing an older mini-split unit, our professional HVAC technicians can help you determine the right size system for your needs.

Do I need a yearly refrigerant top-up?

Most of the time, leaks result in needing refrigerant faster than usual. Therefore, if you constantly need to top up your refrigerant, you might have a leak on your hands. This depletion of refrigerant acts as a sign to call a technician to stop the leak at its source. Get a free service estimate from Top Flight today or schedule service online ASAP.

How can I maximize AC efficiency?

The best way to maximize AC efficiency is to clean your system thoroughly. This way, every part functions at its prime.

Dirty or old air filters are a common culprit when AC units stop working at maximum efficiency. This is especially true if the filters have gone several years without being cleaned or have too many pleats for filtration. Our team knows how to choose the best filters for your unit and your personal needs, so give us a call today!

What maintenance does your AC unit need?

Typically, each air conditioning unit needs different treatments depending on its wear and tear and lifespan. However, every unit needs a yearly check-in and tune-up. No matter what type of system you have, we will thoroughly clean it, including all coils, filters, and other important components.

How often should you have AC maintenance?

You should schedule AC maintenance twice per year. Book HVAC maintenance in the fall and spring to keep your unit working correctly during summer and winter.

Can I Replace My AC Compressor Myself?

AC compressor replacement is a complex job that requires specialized knowledge and equipment. It is not recommended for homeowners to attempt this type of repair themselves. Attempting to repair a failed compressor could result in injury or damage to the AC system, so it’s good practice to call a pro for this job instead.

Can I Replace the AC Compressor Without Replacing the AC System?

Yes, in many cases, it is possible to install a new AC compressor without replacing your entire AC unit. However, consulting with a qualified HVAC technician is critical to determine whether this is a viable option for your specific AC system. In some cases, other components will need to be replaced or repaired in conjunction with the compressor replacement.

How Much Does AC Compressor Replacement Cost?

Like any HVAC repair job, the cost of AC compressor replacement will always have slight variations depending on factors such as the labor hours required, the type of compressor needed, the size of the AC system, and any additional repairs or replacements that may be necessary. However, our representatives are always transparent about estimates so that every homeowner knows what they pay before the bill is due. We specialize in finding you more cost-effective comfort solutions — without the hidden costs and fine print! If you’d like to discuss AC compressor replacement costs for your specific unit, contact us anytime for a free estimate.

How Often Should I Replace My Home’s AC Compressor?

The lifespan of an AC compressor can vary depending on factors such as AC system usage, maintenance, and the quality of the compressor. On average, AC compressors can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. However, if your compressor is showing signs of wear and tear, is blowing hot air, or has completely stopped working correctly, you may need a new compressor sooner rather than later.

Can I perform AC installation or repair myself?

If your air conditioner isn’t working properly, attempting DIY system repairs or maintenance to restore your system’s cooling capacity can be tempting. However, system repairs are more complex than you think. We know our customers love to save money, but replacing your system is a job best left to experts.

It is always better, safer, and more effective to leave air conditioning services to a company that specializes in them. Installing AC systems can be dangerous and expensive when done alone, and you will not have access to the same level of knowledge that licensed professionals do. Find the most up-to-date information, suggestions, and recommendations by hiring a trusted Sussex County air conditioning team to replace your HVAC unit.

It is not wise to replace or repair your AC unit yourself because:

  • It’s much easier than you think to make mistakes during the HVAC installation process — and often, these mistakes are costly ones. As a result, you may lose more money than if you hired expert technicians for service, or end up dealing with an uncomfortably hot home.
  • Performing HVAC repair or replacement takes time, strength, and energy you may not have. Installing AC units is a multi-person job that can be quite physically intense.
  • Cooling system repair or replacement requires parts and tools that are not available on the consumer market or are only available for a high price, meaning that DIY AC costs can mount quickly.
  • Without the personal protective equipment that technicians utilize, cooling system repair and replacement can be dangerous. Putting in a new AC system can expose you to gas lines, electrical components, circuit breakers, bulky overhanging ductwork, and other safety hazards.
  • DIY HVAC repairs or maintenance can result in decreased unit efficiency, costing you money and causing you headaches for many years to come.

Saving a few bucks up front on AC installation costs may seem appealing, but these and other drawbacks end up turning DIY into more of a burden than a benefit for almost all of the homeowners we’ve met. In summary, you should always leave HVAC system installation to the pros… trust us when we say you’ll be glad you did!

What is the average cost for air conditioning replacement?

Much like how we can’t provide you with a quote for repair or maintenance service until we actually see your HVAC unit, we cannot provide an “average cost” of replacing your air conditioning system either. All air conditioners are slightly different, therefore no two AC installation costs will be the same. Your AC system has its own quirks and qualities, and the price of air conditioner replacement will also depend on the type of new system you are interested in since some cooling systems are more expensive than others.

If you’d like a quote for replacing your air conditioner, contact our Sussex County HVAC company today. We can suggest models that suit your budget and keep your house comfortable,  and we stock a variety of high-efficiency systems that will reduce your energy bills. Just give us a call, and we’ll visit your home to provide you with information about the AC systems we offer, the approximate cost to install the HVAC system of your choice, and ways to keep your new system running for as long as possible.

Should I repair or replace my air conditioning system?

If you’re trying to decide between air conditioner replacement or repairs, your best choice is to consult an established heating and air conditioning installation company in Sussex County. Most air conditioning units last 10 to 15 years, depending on annual routine maintenance checks and careful attention. One person’s central AC unit might last nine years while another person’s heat pump might last 16, so it’s important to speak with technicians about your options. We can help you discover the best options for your air conditioner and remove your old unit safely.

What should I do if my furnace stops working?

If your furnace suddenly stops working, turn off the power at the main switch and call a professional technician to inspect the system. An experienced technician will be able to diagnose and repair any issues with your heating system.

How can I reduce my heating costs?

You can reduce your heating costs by investing in an energy-efficient heating system, utilizing programmable thermostats to adjust the temperature when you are not home, keeping filters clean and regularly maintained, and sealing any cracks or gaps around windows or doors that could let cold air in.

What are some signs that it’s time to replace my heater?

If you notice that your energy bills are unusually high or if your system needs frequent repairs, it may be time to replace your heater. Additionally, if your system is more than 10 years old, it is a good idea to consider replacing it with a newer model that will be more energy-efficient and reliable.

How often should I service my heating system?

It is recommended to have your heating system serviced at least once a year in order to maintain peak efficiency and prevent any major issues from arising.

What type of heating system is best for my home?

The best type of heating system for your needs will depend on the size and layout of your home as well as the climate in which you live. A professional HVAC technician can help assess your needs and recommend the best option for you.

What are some ways I can reduce my cooling costs?

You can reduce your cooling costs by investing in an energy efficient air conditioning system, utilizing programmable thermostats to adjust the temperature when you are not home, keeping filters clean and regularly maintained, and sealing any cracks or gaps around windows or doors that could let in hot air. Additionally, using ceiling fans and other forms of ventilation can help keep air circulating in order to evenly cool your home

How do I know when it’s time to replace my air conditioner?

If you notice that your energy bills are unusually high or if your system needs frequent repairs, it may be time to replace your air conditioner. Additionally, if your system is more than 10 years old, it is a good idea to consider replacing it with a newer model that will be more energy-efficient and reliable.

What type of air conditioning system should I choose?

The best type of air conditioning system for your needs will depend on the size and layout of your home as well as the climate in which you live. A professional HVAC technician can help assess your needs and recommend the best option for you.

What is the most efficient way to cool my home?

The most efficient way to cool your home is to install a programmable thermostat and set it at the highest temperature that is comfortable for you. Additionally, using ceiling fans and other forms of ventilation can help keep air circulating in order to evenly cool your home.

How often should I service my air conditioning system?

It is recommended to have your air conditioning system serviced at least once a year in order to maintain peak efficiency and prevent any major issues from arising.

p “Patricia” weath1
p “Patricia” weath1
Isaiah Barnes was Professional, Knowledgeable but mostly Kind. I trusted him immediately and he delivered.
Joan Hitchens
Joan Hitchens
Very Satisfied. Great Service.
J Ga
J Ga
Tyler P. did our A/C Maintenance Service today. He was very pleasant to deal with, pointed out and took care of better insulating the refrigerant lines on inside unit & outside as well. Worked quickly and efficiently. Thanks again Tyler.
Carol Cunneen
Carol Cunneen
Tyler arrived on time and did a thorough examination of the system. He was polite, professional and pleasant. He explained to me everything about the system I highly recommend this service.
val pisacane
val pisacane
Tyler from TopFlight was fantastic. He earned a new service subscription customer.A prior tech from Air Temp solutions left the previously working system disabled and not working. Their follow up tech quoted $1,250 for a new thermostat and thermostatic board. Needless to say I searched for another company.Tyler diagnosed a simple but easily overlooked problem. The system was restored with only a service call.Big call out to Tyler and Top Flight!
Donna McCafferty
Donna McCafferty
Issac did a great job. Very professional and courteous. He explained the process well and looking forward to installation of new system for our pole barn.
Susan McKechnie
Susan McKechnie
Isaiah was my technician who performed a routine AC checkup. He was professional, knowledgeable, and polite. I was impressed with the service so I signed up for the annual plan and have high expectations if I ever run into any issues. Top flight was recommended by a friend who had issues and used several companies that couldn’t fix the problem before finding Topflight that did fix the problem.
Ben McCall
Ben McCall
Very knowlagable team, and prompt service. They got me fixed up on their first visit.
Martin Burton
Martin Burton
On April 4th 2024. We had a great experience with Top Flight Heating & Air. Our technicians Isaiah Barnes and Joseph arrived on time. Isaiah took the time explaining every detail of the job. Very professional. We highly recommend this company.
George Dellinger
George Dellinger
Glad we switched Top Flight for our geothermal HVAC maintenance.They have a smooth process to set and confirm appointments. Isaiah (the technician) arrived exactly on time. He is exceptionally well-trained, confident, highly proficient, professional, and easy to communicate with.I feel that our HVAC will be in good hands with theTop Flight competitively-priced maintenance program.
Maria Maksymowych
Maria Maksymowych
Shout out to Top Flight! I had an emergency call and had to turn my heater off. Technicians arrived the next morning. Service, honesty and technical competency exceeded expectation. Thank you.
Chris Derchin
Chris Derchin
First service by Isaiah was outstanding, he took time to explain what he was going to service before & after he was finished. I was promptly contacted next day by Christian to set up follow up Appt. Now I understand why they have 5 stars on the Google reviews.
Tracy Niedrowski
Tracy Niedrowski
We had Top Flight install a new HVAC system. Isaiah and Tyler were great at the installation. They cleaned up after the job which was nice. The plus is the system is nice and quiet compared to our old system and the balancing they did reduced the temperature extremes in our upstairs vs downstairs.
Tammy Crumley
Tammy Crumley
Wonderful person. Handled my problem professionally.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis
Dean Snyder
Dean Snyder
Very professional and explained everything. I love the fact that they gave me different quotes and I did not feel like they were just trying to get money from me. Our house is only 4 years old and have had nothing but problems with the company that put the system in the house. I FINALLY have peace of mind knowing it was done right. I also really liked the yearly maintenance contract and it was not a crazy amout of money. Thank you for your trained technicians.
Isaiah & his helper did an extraordinary thorough job and explained the issues and repairs as he did them . 5,star Quality and efficiency! Thank you!!
Jeff Bender
Jeff Bender
Punctual, knowledgeable, friendly and reasonable prices.
Janet Brennan
Janet Brennan
The other day, when temperatures were in the teens, I woke up to 54 degrees in my house. I went on line to look up HVAC services and saw that Top Flight had many excellent reviews. So I called them. A couple of hours later, Isaiah and Tyler came to my house. I have to say that it was one of the best experiences, if not the best, that I have ever had with a contractor or service person. They were here all day. Isaiah explained everything to me in detail and encouraged me to ask questions. He was so patient and so nice. Of course, they fixed the problem and gave me some good advice. He was very professional but easy going and well-informed. Also, the prices are very reasonable. I highly recommend this company.
Diane Acker
Diane Acker
The Top Flight team was very professional, I highly recommend this company for all your heating needs.
Wanda Steen
Wanda Steen
We were going through a total nightmare trying to find a company to fix our HVAC system. We tried 3 different companies that took our money and left us with a system that would stop working within a month after they said it was fixed. Top flight found the problem the 1st time they looked at it. It's now been running for almost a year with no problems. Isiah and this company are the best. We highly recommend them. Thank you Top Flight.
George Unkle
George Unkle
Professional, on time, very knowledgable, efficient, understanding of urgency to get my furnace uo and running
Kat Scarpato
Kat Scarpato
Keith Jacobi
Keith Jacobi
Excellent service. Very professional and extremely knowledgeable.
Donald Bucklin
Donald Bucklin
Very professional. Reasonably priced. Great all around experience. Very highly recommended.
Bob Russell
Bob Russell
As new customers with Top Flight, we were visited by Ryan for an initial system inspection and a review of the various customer programs that Top Flight offered.While Ryan's extensive experience and knowledge of our HVAC system were clearly evident, his ability to explain and demonstrate issues or items in normal, understandable ways impressed us the most as a new customer.Top Flight's office staff has been equally helpful. Christina, in particular, has been exceptionally helpful with all our new customer setups and arrangements.We highly recommend that Top Flight be included in anyone's short-list of an Honest and Polite Customer-Focused service from a well-established local firm.
Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson
Isiah and Tyler were out to service our furnace yesterday. Very knowledgeable and personable technicians. They explain the service they did and the service contract very well. It was a please having these fellows out for servicing our furnace.
Rox King
Rox King
Isaiah was professional and courteous. Took time to explain things.
Melissa Stone
Melissa Stone
Average. (I don't give extra stars to companies who demonstrate basic professionalism in being on time or having reasonable customer service). This company is VERY EXPENSIVE! They offer a discount to customers to "become members," which makes their service (which includes way more service than I want or need) appear cheaper by charging smaller monthly payments which add up to much more over a year than others charge for 2 annual maintenance checks. ($420/year for an 1800 sf house, compared to $180/year for the same sized house in Maryland.) This monthly payment plan makes it very difficult to track what service is already paid for and what is being prepaid. Thus they have pioneered a way to keep their hand in your wallet for months after the service has already been provided. No thanks. I don't buy it. They did allow me to cancel -which is apparently unusual for them- although they did not provide a refund for payments I made already for service that I won't get.
Mike Davison
Mike Davison
What can I say.....BEST HVAC COMPANY EVER! Since moving to this area I have be unable to find a company to actually listen to me and do proper work. Upon a recommendation from a friend I tried this company out and I was not disappointed. Ryan was extremely professional in diagnosing and fixing my issue. He made the whole process easy and as painless as possible. He gave me many options on new systems and even informed me on state and federal rebates in our area. Isaiah is an excellent technician who loves this work and really did an amazing job. He is also by far the most polite server provider I've ever had in my house period. Taylor rounded out this trio and made this an amazing experience. I'd recommend this company to anyone who doesn't want to be pressured by pushy sales people, "know it all" technicians, and "I know better than you" owners.
kimberly mery
kimberly mery
Had another company come out said I need a new unit. Called Top Flight for a 2nd opinion.. from the customer service on the phone and Ryan who came out I can say I cried... honest reliable friendly and caring. Ryan fixed the issue and I couldn't be happier. Definitely got a customer for life. Thank you Thank you Thank you. A million stars if I could. 😁
Glenn Williams
Glenn Williams
Excellent service
duran yanez
duran yanez
Top Flight completed my project yesterday and did a wonderful job. They kept clear lines of communication along the way, and the price I was quoted is what I paid. When it came to the day of installation, Isaiah and his crew were on time, polite, and came ready to work. It was a two day install and they got the job done.
Dennis Taylor
Dennis Taylor
Isaiah Barnes is an excellent technician. He explained everything he did and was friendly and thorough. I would highly recommend him.
Joan Karasinski
Joan Karasinski
Ryan from Top Flight is Terrific!He is a TRUE PROFESSIONAL!!We have been a customer for years and highly recommend Top Flight.THANK YOU!Joan and Tom
W hoop
W hoop
One of the only companies in the county you can trust to do a honest job in the hvac industry. I had three companies out to try and fix my issue and they either failed to diagnose it properly or lied and said it was an expensive repair in order to upsell a brand new unit. Isaiah quickly identified a bare wire shorting out against a copper pipe in the fan unit and fixed it charging me the proper amount for the service . He is a young smart and determined technician, but most of all he is honest.
Ron Marra
Ron Marra
This company is great and has great reviews i haven't had any problems with them however 1 very big tip do not deal with these company's that have no reviews because they have so many bad reviews that they won't list any at all i got ripped off twice by these company's that come in an hour and so on, so i stuck with this company and very satisfied.
Susan J. Martin
Susan J. Martin
Very satisfied! Will not use anyone else!!!!if I could do 10 stars, I would!!!!!!
Rob Vogl
Rob Vogl
In a nutshell, this company is fantastic!If you're still reading I'm going to elaborate on just why that is. We opened a new small business here in Lewes, DE and when we went seeking a local company to take care of our system they came highly recommended. Ryan reached out to me directly on Facebook to introduce himself and the team. Vey quickly he set me up with Taylor who got the ball rolling. She listened to what we were looking for and sent Mike out to have a look. He was professional and knowledgable in his diagnosis of our newly installed system. For no charge they told me what needed to be repaired and we set a day to do so. Mike and Josh came back (sooner than the appointment time I might add) and did a thorough job gettin our system up and running. Ryan and I talked again about the work and he gave us a very fair price.I am now a subscribing customer and intend to be so long as we are doing business here. I have nothing but great things to say about the entire experience and strongly recommend this team to any business in the state!
Zach O'Hagan
Zach O'Hagan
Ryan and team were a pleasure to work with. Techs Isaiah and Taylor showed up for both legs of the install and were timely, courteous, and informative. They left crucial next steps for myself as a customer on system care going forward and insisted I call if I run into any issues. Definitely satisfied with the level of service provided by Top Flight and would recommend to anyone looking for a quality experience!
Kelly Guenther
Kelly Guenther
Top Flight was very responsive and Issiah was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this company.
Deborah Hunt
Deborah Hunt
Ryan was very pleasant and got the heater running in no time. Very pleased.
Howard Brenner
Howard Brenner
Ryan and Topflight did a great job for us. From analyzing the problem to fixing it. Everything was Top Notch.
Debra Saltz
Debra Saltz
Fantastic customer service. Very professional. I would highly recommend this company.
James Fiedor
James Fiedor
Isaiah was excellent, let me know he was coming, had a picture of himself in the text. He was very professional and friendly, and explained everything he was doing. Top quality representative for Top Flight, Thank You!!
Tyler Sherman
Tyler Sherman
Spoke with Taylor from top flight to schedule our maintenance and air scrubber install. Both her and Ryan were very professional upon scheduling. Our technician, Isaiah Barnes promptly showed up on time, was very courteous and professional. Assisting with all questions I had during the visit. Going out of his way to help ensure all of my concerns were addressed during the visit. I highly recommend Top flight all around for their excellent service.
I would highly recommend Isaiah for all your HVAC needs. He was very professional and answered all my questions regarding my hot water installation. Thank you Ryan and Isaiah. Doug Martin
Daniel Callahan (DTCallahan)
Daniel Callahan (DTCallahan)
As a new customer and and not having a gas furnace prior, Ryan took the time to explain what he was doing and how the system worked. He was very knowledgeable and professional.I would have no problem recommending Top Flight to any of my neighbors.
Don Disharoon
Don Disharoon
Hopefully the problem can be resolved asap! Very good explanation of the problem and very professional!
Chad P
Chad P
Michael was my service tech and showed up on time, did an excellent job and will request him whenever I call again.

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